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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Recycle Mobile Phone : Nokia

Nokia 's 5000 care point globally have started taking back mobile devices and accessories to recycle them.To recycle them your phone , battery or charger all you need to do is drop it off at any Nokia recycling point.

Nokia's global consumer survey reveals that 44% of old mobile phones are lying in drawers at home and not being recycled.Only 3% of people recycle their mobile phones globally.

Why recycle ?
If every Nokia user recycled just one unused phone at the end of its life, together we would save nearly 80,000 tonnes of raw materials.

Recycling gives your phone a second life - 100 percent of the materials in your phone can be recovered and used to make new products or generate energy.
Again to make you remember,just 3 percent of phones are getting recycled.. Nearly half of these are sitting unused in people’s drawers.

what are you waiting for ?

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