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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Small thing can make big difference : Green Workplace

Top 10 tips to make your Green Workplace

  1. Try Not to Push the Print ButtonEveryone love to print articles and to-do-lists as much as the every other guy, but we need to keep yourself off this habit. Everything needed is online. your calendar, your notes, your emails.. everything.

  2. If You Need to Print, Choose Recycled Paper or Scrap PaperUnless you are printing an official document,always choose Recycled Paper or Scrap Paper

  3. Recycle, Recycle, RecycleRecycle every thing you use, Have printer toner cartridges? Save your used ones and trade them in when you go to get a new cartridge.

  4. CarpoolOn the days you do go to work, try to hook up with people that live around you and carpool. BONUS: You learn more about the people you work with!

  5. Have Actual Utensils & Dishes on HandNo more wasteing than paper plates and plastic utencils. Eliminate all such materials and bring your own dishes to work.

  6. Change Out The Office LightingUpdate your lamps and overhead lights with energy-efficient light bulbs and take advantage of natural daylight whenever possible.

  7. Rethink your travelMake it a habit to take the train, bus, or subway when feasible. Make it a policy to invest in videoconferencing and other technological solutions that can reduce the amount of employee travel.

  8. High-efficiency toilets – The latest toilets are either 1) high-efficiency and use only 1.28 gallons of water per flush or 2) dual flush with 0.6 gallon and 1.6 gallon flush options.

  9. Green cleaning service – Ask your janitorial services for using non-hazardous cleaning products who clean one floor at a time together and then turn off the lights before they move to the next area.

  10. Get Others in on the ActShare these tips with your colleagues. Arrange an office carpool or group bike commute. Ask everyone to bring in a mug or glass from home and keep some handy for visitors so that you reduce or eliminate use of paper cups.

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